A few weeks ago Holly at Naptime gave us the Stylish Blogger award and Katie from The Romantic Type awarded us the Great Blog Neighbor award. Everyone should go check these blogs out now. Seriously, I'll wait. Thank you so much, ladies! You rock! :)
Rules for accepting the Stylish Blogger Award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Pass this on to 13 other great bloggers
4. Contact the selected bloggers and tell them about their award
7 things about Jake and Alison of Welcome Sunshine Home
1. Jake bakes cakes for me to give other people.
2. I decorate the cakes. The fun part!
3. Then, no one does the dishes...until every fork and dinner plate in our house is dirty.
4. Jake does household cleaning and maintenance stuff without being asked. He makes an effort to help with laundry, sweeping, dog hair removal, window washing, yard care, etc. No, you can't borrow him!
5. I do my best and fastest cleaning when I'm upset. Hmm, maybe I should get upset more often.
6. Jake can cook too. He makes an awesome Chicken Parm dinner and is quite skilled in making breakfast.
7. We've had dinner out almost every night for a couple weeks. Our Maytag dishwasher was recalled for a faulty heating element and then in a bizarre twist of fate our Maytag electric range (oven and all four burners) stopped working while cooking breakfast one Saturday morning. Both appliances were purchased brand new only three years ago and have been used infrequently gently used.
Thirteen blogs receiving the Stylish Blogger Award:
4. Paint or Dig
12. a and w

Rules for accepting the Great Blog Neighbor Award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Pass this on to 10 other great bloggers
3. Contact the selected bloggers and tell them about their award
Ten bloggers receiving the Great Blog Neighbor Award:
1. Melissa at My Pet Blog - She's read 89 books so far this year and reviewed each one! She's also a writer (and Jake's sister!) and is participating in the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) challenge right now. 50,000 words in 30 days! Click here to read more about that.
2. Kris at Not Enough Books - Plenty of book reviews and she's been taking part in 18 different reading challenges this year!
3. Hazel Loves Design - Check out the book club she has going.
4. Karen at Barefoot in Portland - Karen is the ambassador for Barefoot Books in my area.
5. Frugal Mom at Frugality is Free - Check out her book reviews, the The Book Lover's Blog Hop on Tuesdays, and her Book Giveaway linky list.
6. Cathy at Cathy Kennedy Stories - Children's books author
7. Tina from Book Couture - Young Adult book reviews and some author interviews.
8. Carol at Songberries - She has a review and cookbook giveaway going on now (ends 11/24).
9. Jennifer at Book Noise - She has tons of book reviews!
10. Sabrina brings us About Happy Books - Reviews, challenges, and author interviews!
Congratulations on the awards! Thank you so much for passing them on to me and my blog!
Congratulations on the award!! You deserved them!!
Thanks for the Great Blog Neighbor Award. That's just too cool. have a Happy Thanksgiving you guys.
Jennifer @Book Noise
yay! Congratulations on your awards. You totally deserve them.
Thank you also for sending one my way. You are so kind.
Hope your weekend was fun and best wishes for a lovely week.
thanks so much for the award. I am honored to receive it!!!
Thanks so much! I'm tickled!
Congrats on your awards and thank you so much for passing one on to me! I appreciate it a ton! It is so nice to "meet" someone in my neck of the woods! You have a great blog and thanks again for the award! I will enjoy sharing it with others!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Karen @ http://barefootinportland.blogspot.com
Thanks for the award!! :)
Congrats on your award, and thanks for passing it on to me! :)
Thanks for both my awards! It's the first one I've received for Outwardly Pleasant..I'm so excited!!!!!! I'm a bit crazy with 18 reading challenges aren't I? I've already started signing up for challenges for next year too. ack! It's an addiction!
Congrats! I clean best when frustrated.
So, what do you think? Don't be shy...we're all friends here. :) We love hearing from you and read every note you leave us!