A couple of pampered pooches share our home in southern Maine. They hang out nearby during DIY home improvement projects, monitor the progress of my crafty endeavors, and enjoy tagging along on trips to the drive-in movies.
Maximus the Wonder Schnauzer
Nicknames: Brain, Max, Maxidoodle, Dudeimus Maximus
Terms of Endearment he's earned from Melissa and Famous Joe: The Little Pisser, Creepy Stalker Dog, Abominable Snow Schnauzer
Stats: 5 years old, 25lbs of mini Schnauzer Might, fit, portable, doesn't shed or drool
Favorite past times: Eating, watching neighbors, running with observing the big dogs, snuggling

Brewster the Super Drooler
Nicknames: Pinky, Bru, Brewski, Bruberry, BruBear, Bruiser, Bru-Meister, BooBoo, BamBam, Bozo, Jumbo, Dumbo, DumDum, Ginormo (ginormous = gigantic + enormous)
Stats: 1 year old, 100+lbs of Saint Bernard sloth, sheds, drools buckets,
Favorite past times: Lounging in laps, chewing, hiding toys and bones, cuddling

At the dog park
Here are a few posts on Welcome Sunshine Home about Max and Bru:
Brewster's First Birthday - includes puppy photos and shows her growth.
More post links coming soon!
More post links coming soon!
Melissa, Jake's sister, kindly watches our dogs when we're out of town and blogs about them. Famous Joe, her significant other, tolerates them kindly watches them too. She taught Maximus commands in French and sign language when he stayed with them for two weeks a few years ago. How stinking cool is that?! Melissa and Famous Joe (M & FJ) have two beautiful, intelligent kids...
The Dynamic Duo!

Sebastian aka Big
German Shepard

Mischa aka Gator Girl
Belgian Malinois (NOT a German Shepard)
Melissa has written some very funny posts involving our dogs over the years. I'm going to link to them below because I find them highly entertaining and now I'll be able to find them anytime I want. You're welcome to read and enjoy them too, of course. She's also written many funny posts about her dogs and many non-dog related topics too.
***NOTE: All posts linked to below were written by Melissa, Jake's sister.*** The most current entries are at the top with posts dating back to 2006 at the bottom.
In April 2010, (a month before Jake and I started Welcome Sunshine Home) Max ate an unidentifiable stringy object then required thousands of dollars of surgery and hospital care. I called up Melissa to help us with Bru because we'd been up all night, missed a Red Sox game at Fenway, and were beyond stressed out. Thanks again to Melissa for helping us get through that trying time!
Max and Bru's stayed with Melissa and Famous Joe while we vacationed at Disney World in January 2010. It was Bru's first stay trip to NH without us.
There's Always Something - Max's very bad morning
During our August 2009 vacation in Vermont (the week we brought Brewster home from VT), Max stayed with M & FJ again. Little did he know that he'd be coming home to find a new puppy at his house.
Post links coming soon!
***NOTE: All posts linked below this point (all written by Melissa) were posted during the time Jake and I refer to as Before Brewster.***
The next three are from Max's April 2009 visit. Jake and I were staying at a B&B (that had no locks on the doors, no TVs, etc) on a dairy farm in the Berkshires.
The Curious Case of the Shell-Shocked Schnauzer
Max's eventful stay in April 2008 while Jake and I were watching lots of shows and gambling $10 away in Vegas.
Max's visit May 2007 when Jake and I eloped in Vegas during a long weekend.
Max's first trip to New Hampshire without Jake and I happened in March 2006 while I was traveling for work for a few weeks. We had some home improvement projects underway and Max was around six months old at the time. Melissa took pity on Jake and kept Max for a week.
And Max Makes ThreeManic Monday
Turn Around Tuesday
Wacky Wednesday
Thunderous Thursday
Freaky Friday
October 2009