Entering from the foyer (doorway on left goes to Max's room and the back door).
Here's a closeup of the art on the right side of the doorway to Max's room.
Looking back towards the foyer. The door to the right of the cabinets goes to the basement.
Looking in from the dining room. We painted, reconfigured, and added hardware to the cabinets. I don't know where the 'before' photos are hiding but think 80s fake oak.
This is what's on the side of our fridge. After our grocery shopping trips, we try to come up with a rough meal plan for the week. We're commuters so most nights it is just easier to look here and see what's planned instead of answering "what's for dinner?" when we're spent from the work day. I bought the Chow Planning notepad at Target. We use the All Out Of notepad
from Knock Knock and keep that here too but it was in my bag when the photo was taken.
The cast iron sink and metal base cabinet came with the house and add a lot of character to the room.
Standing at the kitchen sink looking towards dining room. The cubby shelves between the rooms are deep enough to store our reusable shopping bags, my lunch box, some dog supplies, and more. A red jar of dog treats is on the left and a glass jar of people treats in on the right.
Max's bowls are under the island on a mini bench. Bru's big bowls are kept close to the sink because she gets lots and lots of water and I'm clumsy.
Same spot one year ago. She's grown into those ears now!
Max's bowl bench isn't a necessity but it does help keep his bowls from getting unintentionally knocked around-see photo above. :) I got the idea from a friend that put his bowls on a similar bench when we stayed over at her house. I found this one during our vacation in Cape Cod last month for six bucks.
This blue bi- fold door goes to the pantry. It's waiting to be reorganized so you'll see inside another day. :)
Looking back from the pantry door. Bru moved and made sure she was in this photo too.
We installed the countertop in 2007 after we reconfigured and built out the base cabinets.
We keep the Keurig
The K-cups are stored in an old spice rack.
Thanks for stopping by and come again soon! :)
I love the smiley faces on the spoons!
I met my husband in Maine. That's where I introduced him to Green Mountain Roasters Hazelnut coffee. He loved it so much that we used to have it delivered to our home in San Diego.
You have a wonderful kitchen. I love the sink. And your dogs are adorable.
I have an award for you over on my blog today! Check it out here:
See you soon! Have a great day!
PS... I LOVE the artwork you have of Max in your kitchen! Did you make it or buy it?
What a cute blog you have!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by The House on the Corner ~ I'm following back!
Dear Alison
Thanks for joining me at Create With Joy - I am delighted to follow you back and (woo hoo!) I"m your 250th follower! :-)
Love your home and your dogs! Look forward to getting to know you better!
Have a wonderful day!
Thanks for following me, I'm following you back. I have a blog hop on Wednesdays, hope to see you there.
Holly, thanks so much for the award. You are too kind! :)
Oh my goodness! The artwork in our kitchen looks very similar to the photo titled Maximus the Wonder Schnuazer in our left sidebar! But, guess what? The artwork isn't of Max. We randomly found it on clearance one day at TJ Maxx for under ten bucks. I LOVED the colors and thought it had a likeness to Max. Honestly, we hung it up in the kitchen because there was an empty nail in the wall already when we got home that day. :)
Forgive me for the two comments, I forgot to tell you that Brewdter is the most adorable "drooler" I've ever seen! How in the world do you ever keep up with all that drool? And the hair! We have a border collie and OMGOSH! I can't keep up with it all. :)
I love your beautiful home and adorable dog! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm following you back from Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters
following you back from The Baby Bottom Line :)
Thanks for visiting my blog today! It's a pleasure to be following you back now.
Love the pics of your kitchen!
Thnaks for showing such wonderful pictures of your home and dog. You guys have dona an awesome job!
Thank you also for stopping by my blog. I am now following you back
Love your kitchen, well organized and spacious. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, I'm now following you:)
Love your kitchen, well organized and spacious. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, I'm now following you:)
thanks so much for finding and following me! You have a beautiful home :)
So jealous of your super clean kitchen!!!
Thanks for following my blog. I am now following you too!!
Thank you so mcuh for your visit and follow
I follow you back :)
Thank you for supporting and following The Coupon Scoop. Now following back your CUTE blog! :)
LOVE your sink, so nice to have all that space! Thank you for following, and I'm following oyu now, and grabbing your button for my page!
Thanks for stopping by! I'm now following you back.
Thanks for stopping by! Loving these hops!
xo - jami
i m a g i n e
Such a cute kitchen!
Also, thanks for visiting my blog, I am now following you back;)
I love your Blog! So cute! My sister has a cat named Maximus Brewster!! Small world! Stop by if you ever have a chance...LYLASandCO.com (elle)
I love the color of your cabinets!! Very nice. :) Thanks for following LYLASandCO.com!
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