The sewing pouch has room for at least 8 full size spools of thread, a pin cushion, and other sewing doodads.
You could easily adjust the sizing of the pockets inside to fit other items, like jewelry for travel or small accessories for toys.
This roll up keeps knitting needles of all sizes neat and tidy...and away from couch cushions! :)
I was careful to keep all my stitches straight and neat.
Pattern info:
Butternick B5006
Sewing Pouch - Pattern A
Knitting Hook Case - Pattern B

Do you knit? I haven't learned how to do it but I truly admire knitted items. I tried to crochet a doily one time and it ended up kind of looking like a thong...not a cute thong either. :) So, I think I'll stick with enjoying knitted gifts from others. A friend recently gave me a pair of knitted slipper booties that are very warm and they have gripper material on the bottom. That gripper stuff is priceless. Now I won't break my neck on our carpet-less stairs. More about the in-progress staircase renovation another day...
Hi Alison, I do not knit, sew or quilt but wished I did! I so admire those who do.
Love it!! Definitely following you!! If you would like to follow me also.. That would be wonderful!! I am just starting out, but excited to share new recipes, crafts and about my mineral make-up line. Look out for giveaways also..
Wow really nice one post here.....!
Hahaha! I love the crochet doily that ended up looking like a thong! We all have a project that ended up like that (well, not specifically looking like a thong). I can knit, but I would love to learn how to crochet too!
I just learned to make vintage jewelry rolls with accordian pockets inside....your jewelry/sewing bag is sweet too....I'm gonna make me some of those too....I've crochet a while back, and need to pick it up's easier than knitting....your bag to carry all the supplies full of pockets is very pretty...Mel's Designs..'n Harmony
So, what do you think? Don't be shy...we're all friends here. :) We love hearing from you and read every note you leave us!