Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday and Award

Friday is here!  We're getting ready to enjoy a nice, long weekend and hope you are too.  This week we're participating in New Friend Friday, Blog Hop Friday, and Friendly Friday Follow.  All comments and followers are welcome and we'll do all follow backs by Tuesday.  We're interested in all sorts of things so please don't be shy.  Leave us a comment so we know you were here! :)

This week at Welcome Sunshine Home...
1.  Jake shared a simple game for all ages here.  This is great on a hot day!
2.  You can see our sunset picnic at the beach here.  I love picnics!  :)
3.  We joined the I Heart Faces photo challenge for the first time here.
4.  The HGTV Green Home winner was announced this week.  You can find out who won and revisit our tour of the house here.  I loved so many things in this house but today I'm crushing on this recycled sunburst mirror.  I'm still thinking about how I can make a DIY version...
5.  I revealed our front porch makeover and gave an outdoor curtain tutorial here.  This is so much nicer to come home to after long days at the office.  What do you think?
***UPDATE: We're a semi-finalist in The Iron Crafter Sheets and Pillowcases competition!  If you like what you see, you can vote for us here until Friday at midnight (we're project #7).*** 

6.  We received a blog award that I'm announcing right now!  :)
Dania from Life As A Cuban Mama choose us as one of her five recipients for The Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :) Please take some time to stop over and visit her.  I love her button!
When accepting The Versatile Blogger Award you share seven things about yourself and pass the award on to at least 5 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic. Here we go...

Seven things about Jake
1. I am a die hard New England sports fan.
2. I was installing shelves in our bathroom during the Super Bowl this year.
3. My favorite birthday present ever is the plasma TV in our living room. See #1.
4. I enjoy speaking in TV and movie quotes.
5. My sister calls me a home wrecker because I split infinitives.
6. I plan to become Alison's personal driver when she moves far enough up the corporate ladder. We commute together daily now so it'd just be making it official.  See Alison's #6 below.
7. I put dirty dishes in the sink. Two feet from the dishwasher.  See Alison's #7 below to find out why.

Seven things about me (Alison)
1. I love sunshine! I want to be like all the retired folk (aka Snowbirds) that summer in New England and take winter in Florida.
2. Scrabble is my all time favorite board game and I like to win. Apples to Apples and Cranium are great fun too.
3. I bought two houses with my college sweetheart (Jake, of course, you silly heads) in the five years before we were married.
4. I love to have several projects going at once.
5. I crave spontaneity and can't find routines to fall into consistently at home (housework, cooking, exercise, etc).
6. My new 'corporate title' at work is Vice President.  I've worked my way up from being a part-time teller during college.  See Jake's #6 above.
7. I use whatever clean dishes I need straight from the dishwasher instead of unloading it. 

Now we have the task of presenting this award to several blogs who we've recently discovered and think are pretty fantastic. In no particular order:

Life Spent Wagging
5 Minutes Just for Me
Road Dog Tales
a and w
One Guy in a House of Girls

Remember...there are a few "rules" that come with accepting The Versatile Blogger Award (simply right click and copy image above):
1. Thank the person/people who gave it to you.
2. Tell seven random things about yourself
3. Pass the award on to 5-15 bloggers whom you have recently discovered and think are fantastic.  Don't forget to let them know! :)

Thanks again to Dania for choosing us! :)

New Friend Fridays


Hazel from Hazel Loves Design said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my what a gorgeous blog you have!! :) Hazel

The Daily Pip said... [Reply to comment]

I am participating in New Friend Friday as well - it is my first time. See you there and have a fun and safe 4th of July!

Your pal, Pip

Ott, A. said... [Reply to comment]

Your front porch looks so lovely. I could sit out there all day and drink ice tea. Hope you have a happy 4th of July!

Sharon's New Life said... [Reply to comment]

I'm your latest follower through Blog Hop Friday! I hope you'll stop by my blog at and say hello.

Amy Walker said... [Reply to comment]

Following you from the hop!! Looking forward to checking out your blog.
Amy @

Tiffany said... [Reply to comment]

Returning the follow! Thanks for visiting.

Denise said... [Reply to comment]

You've had a busy week! Thanks for dropping by my blog, I'm following you now too.

Leenburke said... [Reply to comment]

I'm following you from the fun follow friday, I love your blog design, gorgeous!

Just Trying To Save Money said... [Reply to comment]

I love your layout!!

Have a great holiday weekend, I am a new follower!

Paula said... [Reply to comment]

Hi! I'm visiting from Fun Follow Friday. I already follow you. Have a happy 4th of July!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Returning the follow! :) Love the blog, super cute! Look forward to reading more!

Michelle Faith said... [Reply to comment]

I'm a new follower from FF...I love meeting new blogging friends...Have a save happy 4th.

Wendy said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you soooo much!! :) We just got back from shopping, so after a cup of coffee, we'll put up a new post!! :) Yay!!! :) :) Thanks again! :)

My Wee View said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for participating in Fun Follow Fridays!

I'm your newest follower. If you want a chance to win ad space,, add the Fun follow Friday button to your post as well!


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I LOVE that mirror as well! I'm following you back! Thanks for following me :o)

Kel said... [Reply to comment]

Congrats on your award and thanks for the great activity ideas. Stopping by from Friday Follow. I'm a new follower. I have some great giveaways going on if you are interested. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!


Heather said... [Reply to comment]

I found you on Follow Friday! Wow! Look at your porch! That's awesome. and a beach picnic?? I'm jealous! :)

Lucky Jones said... [Reply to comment]

I'm loving tha mirror too! Thanks for the follow! Following you back!!


Holly Diane said... [Reply to comment]

Such a fun blog you have! I found you on Road Dog Tales blog today and am your newest follower! I look forward to reading some of your previous posts and following the new ones.

testing 1 said... [Reply to comment]

Hello there! I'm visiting from New Friend Fridays at The Girl Creative, fab blog!

I have a Mini Schnauzer too! His name is Zeus, we figured a small dog needed a big name! :) Have a wonderful holiday!

Kelly's Lucky You said... [Reply to comment]

Stopping by from Friendly Friday. It's the middle of the night or I would be trying Jake's ice cube game with my four year old!

Love what you did to your front porch. How romantic looking....

Happy 4th of July!

I hope you'll follow me back

Mama Hen said... [Reply to comment]

These pictures are great! Already following! Have a great 4th of July!

Mama Hen

Mommy 2 Monkeys said... [Reply to comment]

Following from Friendly Friday. I love the porch! said... [Reply to comment]

Following you from Fun Follow Friday. Cute blog!!
My blog is Would love for you to stop by and say Hi!

Carries Rambles said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! Love your front porch makeover!
I know I am a little late, but returning your Friday follow!
Carrie's Rambles

Tania Pelletier said... [Reply to comment]

I voted for you! Love that porch!


FlyAwayHome said... [Reply to comment]

Got my vote in.... wish you luck!

L Howard said... [Reply to comment]

Your front porch is amazing! I found your blog on a linky list for follow back fridays. I added you to my google friends. Please check out my blog and follow back when you have a chance. Your dogs are cute too!

SAPsMaMa said... [Reply to comment]

Following you back from Friday Follow! Thanks so much for following SAPsMaMa: Natural Parenting in the Modern World!

Check back often these next couple months for lots of changes! New giveaways will be posted these next couple weeks, and until then check out my most recent post on Daily Deal and Bargain sites where you can get top quality items for 50% off or more for baby, mama, and family or other! Hope you enjoy our green tips too! I love comments so I'd love to hear from you if you have the time! :)

M.O.T.B said... [Reply to comment]

I bought the sheet you suggested and made it work, pics will be on sometime this week! Thank you so much for the tip!

Fowl Single File said... [Reply to comment]

Congratulaions on your Iron Crafter status! I haven't voted yet so I'll have to pop on over there and support you. I love the title of the post, by the way...10 sheets to the wind is hilarious!

Susie~From My Home To Yours said... [Reply to comment]

Hi there Allison, thanks for stopping by my blog today, and yes, I also have those furballs. Every morning, my husband will sweep the floors, and he always says, "look at this pile"! Your dogs are that pic. And speaking of great, your home is the front porch.

Now as far as the HGTV Dream House...I was certain that I was going to win this time! Oh well. It's neat that you were able to visit this amazing house.

Have a wonderful Wednesday,

Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva said... [Reply to comment]

Love your blog - voted for you on the Iron Crafters site. Found you through Blog Hop Friday, and decided to become a follower!


So, what do you think? Don't be shy...we're all friends here. :) We love hearing from you and read every note you leave us!

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