Friday, June 25, 2010


Happy Friday!

We're participating in New Friend Friday, Blog Hop Friday, and Friendly Friday Follow.  All comments and followers are welcome.  We're interested in all sorts of things so please don't be shy.  Leave us a comment so we know you were here!  :) 

This week...
1.  Jake presented my super easy Rainy Day Smores.  YUM!  Neccie from Neccie's Creations tried them out here.  Go say hi!
Neccies Creations

Here's what mine looked like.  Jake thought it was weird that I took a bite before I took this pic but they looked too darn good to wait.
2.  Jake shared our proposal story for Kelly Korner's Show Us Your Life series.

3.  I was busy mingling with all you wonderful blog people from all the parties.  :)  Lisa from Fern Creek Cottage let me know that she tried the Paula Deen coffee cake with blackberries and it was fantastic.  She didn't try my shake n bake method (I had to ask her) but she did have another brilliant idea...try making one with blueberries and cherries for July 4th!

4.  We started a new project outside inspired by these bountiful beauties.  Oh, how I love flowers! Post coming soon!
5.  We enjoyed a fabulous oceanfront sunset picnic.  Post coming soon!
Tonight we're loading up the truck and taking the pups with us to see Grown Ups and A Team at the drive-in movies.  Max has gone a bunch of times but it'll only be Bru's second time.  On our way there, we'll be stopping off to demo the summer kids activity that Jake'll be showing you for this week's Show Us Your Life entry.  He has three older sisters and a pre-school teaching mom so he's much more qualified than me to offer kids activity suggestions!

This weekend we'll be doing some minor plumbing repair and continue work on our new project outside.  The weather forecast looks great so it should be a good time.

Get outside and have some fun in the sun!

New Friend Fridays


  1. It was so fun and easy to make them. Me and my dad have never eat smores so I had to give it a try. We both enjoyed them and he liked that it didn't take forever to get thanks for the lovely comment and for mentioning me here on your blog. I am glad I inspired you to try a project you have bookmarked. GoodLuck with it!

  2. Oh my gosh, those Smores look delicious. What a perfect Friday treat!

    Your pal, Pip


So, what do you think? Don't be shy...we're all friends here. :) We love hearing from you and read every note you leave us!