Sunday, June 27, 2010

Show Us Your Life - Activities for Kids

Kelly's Korner hosts a weekly Show Us Your Life series and this week's topic is Activities for Kids.   

Jake's here again.  Alison and I don't have children but since we were kids once we figure that makes us qualified to share an idea.  Alison's favorite activity for kids is reading so I'm taking this one.

My parents had some pretty standard responses for their four children if we seemed like we needed something to do.  My dad would tell us to go sweep the driveway.  It was a dirt driveway.  My mom told us that if we ever said we were bored we could clean the bathroom.  I don’t honestly imagine her trusting us to clean the bathroom but we didn’t test her.

My three older sisters and I were rarely ever bored.  If we weren’t bobsledding on mom's loveseat (Cool Runnings!) or busy memorizing every line from The Hunt for Red October, there was always something else to amuse us.  In the summer, it was Ice Cube Flinging. 

Only two items are required: ice cubes and ladles
It has to be a ladle otherwise it is just too easy.  It can be a distance or proximity contest.  The most fun for us was watching each other inevitably propel the ice cubes back onto ourselves.  Give it a try and you'll be hooked.  It's addictive like Tetris.  :)  The best is FREE! 

Adults like the Ice Cube Flinging game too.  Alison and her coworkers gave this a try last summer and they had a great time behind their office building. 

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner


The Girl Creative


  1. What a fun idea. I'll have to file it away for a fun activity this summer.


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