Sunday, June 20, 2010

Alison's Rainy Day S'mores

Hey there, Jake's here again and I'm sharing one of our favorite summer treats. 

We all know the most fun way to make s’mores.  It involves a whittled stick, a campfire, and decent weather.  But for those of us that don't have the yard for a campfire and for those rainy days, I'll share our quick and tasty alternative.

Here in the Jordan household we like to keep things simple.  Mostly because Alison has a hard time following recipes (as evidenced here).  So, you won't find any homemade ingredients in these s'mores; just the conventional processed stuff we grew up on.  We're guessing this would be a good one to let your kids help with too.  :)

Alison's Rainy Day S’mores (aka City S’mores)
  • 6 graham crackers
  • 2 Hershey bars
  • 12 marshmallows
This yields 12 open faced S'mores.  You should be able to make these three times with the items shown below.
Turn your broiler on low.  Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and cover it with graham cracker halves.  The foil is helpful if you like the baking sheet you are using and are messy like us.  The nonstick foil is even better if you have it. 
Break off two rectangles of a Hershey’s bar and space them evenly on each cracker square.  Alison placed all the cracker squares so their dotted lines are horizontal and then places the chocolate rectangles parallel to the dotted lines as you can see here.  Hmm, maybe you could turn this into a simple geometry lesson for your kids.  ;)
The chocolate rectangles create trenches to support the marshmallows and help keep the marshmallows from rolling around while moving the baking sheet later.  Trust me and learn from our past sticky errors.
Pop these under your broiler on low.  Don't put another graham cracker on top so the marshmallow can toast up like it would over a fire.  Just keep an eye on them (watched marshmallows do brown) and remove the baking sheet when they reach your preferred amount of toastiness (probably 45-90 seconds).  If you like your marshmallows really light, try baking them instead of broiling. 
Let cool slightly and transfer them to a serving dish (while pretending that they will not be gobbled up within minutes)...
and enjoy!
Try spreading a little peanut butter under the chocolate rectangles sometime.  You can whip up batches and batches of these for guests in a flash and who doesn't love S'mores? 

I hope we helped make your rainy days a little sweeter.  Let us know if you give this a try and if you have other S'mores variations we should try.

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  1. I love s'mores all year round. I have never tried it in the oven. I will have to try this. Thanks.

  2. Ooo! I have tried them in the microwave before but not the oven!! The marshmallows get REALLY BIG in the microwave! LOL Thanks for sharing with all of us! Looks tasty!

  3. I love love love smores! I roast them over fire, nuke em (yes gross but when it's all you got to work with) and even throw them under the broiler like you did. Next time try slicing a snickers bar, it is really good. Your pictures make me want to turn on my broiler now! :o)

  4. I LOVE!!! smores and only make them when camping. This is a GREAT!!! idea and a must try for the grand-daughters.
    I'm a NEW!!! follower, come by and visit anytime.

  5. I love smores! We usually only make them camping or in the fireplace in the winter. Thanks for sharing another option!

  6. I am going to have to make these because they look soo yummy. I haven't had smores in ages!
    By the way, I found your blog from Monday Meet and Greet.

  7. PERFECT!!! I just may have to make these tonight!!!
    Please come by and link up this recipe on Midchix! Would love to have it in the Mama Can Cook Flock!

  8. Hello Following from MGM...please stop by and visit my blog at

  9. These look perfect! I never thought of making them indoors - the marshmallows look yummy! Thanks so much for joining the Sunday Showcase Party! I greatly apprecite it. Hope you are enjoying your week. ~ Stephanie Lynn

  10. YUMMM That looks so good!! I've heard of making them in the microwave, but then you can only make 1 or 2 at a time...oven is such a great idea! :)

  11. Why has it never occured to me to try these in the oven? Up until now I get to have s'mores MAYBE once a year because I wait until I go camping. Thank you for thinking outside of the box (or campfire, in this case) for me!

  12. Oh my gosh, those look delicious! Thanks for sharing. I am following you now, thank you for being a follower of my blog!

  13. I love smores and this is a great way to enjoy them all year! Thanks for linking up to Sister Sister!

  14. Thanks for posting my button! I always like seeing it on other people's blogs:) When I was a kid, I made smores similar to yours way too often! Looks delish!

  15. I made these and add a twist to a few of them. I am writting a blog about that soon. thanks for sharing a simple and super fast recipe.

  16. Thanks for joining us for Anything Related #12! ~Bridgette

  17. This is an awesome idea. S'mores without the smokey smell--genius!

  18. mmm I love smores! now I'm having a craving lol


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