Saturday, June 19, 2010

Show Us Your Life - Proposal Stories

Kelly's Korner hosts a weekly Show Us Your Life series and this week's topic is Proposal Stories

The Word of the Rings
by Jake Jordan

Instead of sharing an average engagement story, I thought I’d tell the tale of the rings that have braved Alison’s left hand.

We started dating nine years ago while attending the same private college.  We both took a leap of faith and decided to transfer from that private college to a state university, declared the same major (accounting), moved into our first apartment after one semester of dating, and started working part-time to help put ourselves through college and pay our expenses.  We had a tiny studio apartment with one room, a kitchen smaller than our current pantry, and a coat closet sized bathroom (shower stall only) in a converted Victorian house in Portland's West End.  Trust me, Alison's dad can attest to how small this place was but we made it work for a year.  It was cozy (ha!) and more welcoming than the dorm rooms with concrete walls we had moved away from.  We had plaster walls that were painted a bright macaroni and cheese yellow with lots of chunky woodwork that was painted country blue.  We both picked up as many hours as possible at work and skipped having things like cable in favor of going to concerts and sporting events or taking day trips occasionally.  We became engaged while living in this apartment.  Alison’s first engagement ring was actually a ring I received from a fraternity and she kept it on her key chain. 

When we started working more hours months later, I was finally able to purchase a princess cut solitaire diamond ring that she could actually wear on her hand.  This ring didn't have great monetary value but what it symbolized was a lifetime of always trying to improve and constantly provide more.  Or, maybe I could argue that I got a more modest diamond because I wanted it to be easy for her to believe it was real.  :)  Somewhere along the way we started referring to it as The Practice Ring. 
Here it is...

In the years to come, the practical accountants chose house purchases twice over having a wedding and upgrading the engagement ring.  In August 2005, we bought our current home and major DIY efforts began.  This house was smoked in for at least ten years before we bought it so we had a lot of yellowed walls, ceilings, and wallpaper to combat.  Gallons and gallons of Glidden Gripper Primer were brushed and rolled to help us whip this place into shape.  Alison is a messy painter.  A very messy painter.  She'll be covered in paint up to her elbows and have it all over her legs after completing the simplest paint job.  Gripper primer really will grip to anything.  Including modest diamond engagement rings.  One swipe of the brush and practice was over.

Of course, we were still in the process of updating our house and we hadn’t gotten around to planting the money tree out back yet.  She didn't wear a ring for a few months but Christmas was coming so fear not.  To say we were on a budget at this point would be an understatement.  We had carried both our first house and current house for eight months (while working multiple jobs and still attending college) while starting renovations here so our savings were pretty much depleted.  Another diamond wasn't possible at this point so enter The Placeholder Ring.

I combined a store's Christmas 60% off jewelry sale with their store credit card's 30% off incentive to buy The Placeholder Ring.  It's a Cassiopeia topaz that picks up on purples, pinks, and greens so she loves it.  Alison appreciates gifts from me even more if I don't pay full price.  She loves a bargain and her budget spreadsheet (If you want to be scared sometime, ask her about this spreadsheet.  She has projections!).  However, this ring journey isn't over yet. 
Here it is...
The Placeholder Ring did its job through our wedding on 05/06/07 and for our first year of wedded bliss.  It didn't line up well with her wedding band so she just wore it on her right hand (and still does).  For our first wedding anniversary, Alison got a new diamond ring.  If this one had any more bling, it would be too much for her.  She doesn't like to be flashy.  This ring is one of those past, present, future rings with little diamonds on each side.  She received this one in a fire-proof lock box underscoring the need to keep this ring intact and also representing my promise to keep her safe.  It lines up with her wedding band very well so she reports that she is "happy and all set" now.  We finally have it.  The Ring!
She is still a very messy painter but she does not paint while wearing her rings now.  :)

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner


  1. thanks for the add plus the recommend on the pet blogger.
    Mr Monkey

  2. hey great blog. Loved reading ur posts.
    I am yr newest follower
    Pls do visit me
    & I hope u follow back too

  3. What a sweet story! My husband and I were married on 5/06/06. :)


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