Thursday, July 8, 2010

Drive-in Movies

I love watching movies at the drive-in!  We're lucky enough to have a few different drive-ins near us and one of them even offers two screens.  Last Friday night we went to screen 1 at the Bridgton Twin Drive-In Theatre to see Grown Ups and The A-Team.  We had such a fun time that we went back to screen 2 the next night to see Toy Story 3 and Prince of Persia.  Then, we went again this past Friday and saw Eclipse and Letters to Juliet.

The shows start at dark so we were driving there during sunsets.  We couldn't resist stopping to take in the scenery at a few stops along the way and enjoyed some live music in Naples (Max really liked it).
Here's our drive-in movies "must haves" list...
  • cash
  • bug spray
  • lots of pillows and blankets
  • popcorn, junior mints, gummy bears, and diet coke
  • dog bones and cookies (aka bribes)
We positioned the truck so we could watch the screen out the back window and sunk into our big pile of pillows and blankets. 
I tested the limits of my camera's Night setting and zoom.  This is Jessica Biel in The A-Team.
We saw a trailer for the next Harry Potter movie before Eclipse!
Do you have a drive-in movie theater near you?  What's the last movie you saw (at the drive-in or otherwise)?

P.S. If you're a drive-in rookie, don't forget to let your vehicle run between the two movies so your battery stays charged!  :)


  1. I LOVE drive ins. My girls usually fall asleep in the back while I am able to watch the movies.

  2. Greetings! I do not have a drive in near me! You are so lucky. Your pics were nice and you looked like you had a great time!

  3. I *LOVE* the picture of Sasha staring at the screen! Beautiful. The one of Max hanging out the window is fantastic too! That new camera of yours is amazing!


So, what do you think? Don't be shy...we're all friends here. :) We love hearing from you and read every note you leave us!