Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Shutter Love Tuesday - Smile Time!

Hey there, Alison's favorite WSH staff writer and husband is back at the keyboard today. 

When I saw the upcoming Shutter Love Tuesday schedule theme was Smiles, I instantly knew Maximus would be getting submitted.  Max is a 4 year old miniature schnauzer with a face for every occasion.  Eventually Max will have an entire page at WSH devoted to his many expressions and antics but until then we hope you enjoy Happy Max.  Don’t we all wish we could be this carefree and happy?

I'll be back soon to share our experiences in Camden last Saturday, Alison's Rainy Day S'mores recipe, and Kelly Korner's Show Us Your Life series (this week is proposal stories). 

P.S.  Bonus points for anyone that can name the tv reference in this post's title!

Update 6/19/2010:  We're linking up to the fabulous Pet Blogger Hop today.  If you're stopping by from there, come on in and make yourself at home.  We love comments so don't be shy! We'll do all follow backs by Tuesday. Have fun hopping! :)


  1. Awww that cute happy Max!!! yep i sure wish we ALL could be this carefree and happy.

    Thanks for sharing your happy Max with us..:)

  2. Great pic! So much character in their faces. That's why I love painting pet portraits.

    Thanks for stopping by the other day. So appreciated!

  3. What a cute puppy!

    Thank you for following! I'm following you back :o)

  4. What a fabulous smile! And thanks for reminding us about Shutter Love Tuesdays. We forgot! Gotta go post something AND vote for MAX!
    The Road Dogs

  5. New follower from FMBT


  6. I love a dog with a great smile!

    Happy blog hop!

    Your pal, Pip

  7. Schnauzers ROCK!

    Happy Blog Hop Day!

    Sam and Pippen

  8. Thanks for the visit, Alison! I LOVE your blog design. I am indeed in Maine, too (recognized Portland Head Light in your header). Things are better with Google Voice since I played more with the controls, but it still messes with things I don't want it to mess with. A few more options and it should be a great application!

  9. Hi,

    I am chewy the Shih tzu and you guys have a pretty blog. I like the picture of the dog smiling.

    Paws and Licks


So, what do you think? Don't be shy...we're all friends here. :) We love hearing from you and read every note you leave us!